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Ballistic Advanced
Team Page

Title Name Phone Email
Coach Hector Vega 408-506-7426
Team Official Cynthia Johnson 925-876-5172

Game Schedule   * after a game's scores indicates results are tentative
Date Time Venue Opponent/Scores Comments Actions
Saturday, November 5, 2011 12:00 PM away at Castro Valley High School Sports Stadium Castro Valley United (Green and Yellow Jersey's)

Castro Valley High School Sports Stadium

19400 Santa Maria Ave. From HWY 580 East - Take Redwood Road Exit. At the light - turn left. Drive past Castro Valley Blvd and after four blocks, turn left to Mabel Ave. From HWY 580 West - Take the East Castro Valley Blvd. Exit. At the light - turn left. Drive five traffic lights and turn right onto Redwood Rd. Dirve four blocks, turn left to Mabel Ave. - (510) 537-5910,


Parking - there are two lots, one in front of the Stadium and the Center for the Arts and a larger lot in front of the swimming pool entrance. Avoid blocking any fire lanes. Please remember that absolutely no PETS are allowed at Castro Valley High School. Additionally, no food (snacks, sunflower seeds, chewing gum, energy bars/gel, etc.) and beverages (sport drinks, alcohol, soda, etc.) is allowed onto the track and field areas. Only water is permitted.